Continuous Delivery Meetup

Continuous Delivery (CD) is a software delivery practice to keep your application in a constant deliverable state and speed delivery to users. This group explores how to do CD, how to move your project to CD, and how to succeed at CD. This group is for you if you are interested in automating

  • Infrastructure Provisioning

  • Software Build

  • Deployment

  • Testing

  • Application Monitoring

Come learn something new, compare notes, and share successes and failures with CD.

New to CD

If you are not doing CD, we have a "Get Started" track to help you get your delivery pipelines up and running. This is a free multi-session guided exercise where you will set up a complete CD solution.

Already Doing CD

If you already have a CD solution up and running, we have meetups that focus on improving and learning.

  • Tech Talks - dive into the techniques and technologies used in CD.

  • Member Case Studies - review CD projects to learn from them and provide opinions on how to make them better.

  • Guest Speakers - hear from thought leaders in the CD space.

CD is about increasing the speed in providing feedback to your team and delivering value to your users. This group is all about helping you do that.


It's a Meetup for "CD Engineers" interested in Agile Project Management,Continuous Integration,Configuration Management,Data Center and Operations Automation,Test Automation,Testing Tools,DevOps,Infrastructure as Code,Continuous Delivery,Continuous Deployment,application monitoring,Build Automation

Last updated