Make It So

Push Configuration

In order to apply the configuration to a node, the node has to have all of the required resources available. Then you have to run the configuration on the node. You can do this by simply running the command Start-DscConfiguration, but it's best (IMHO) to use a pull server.

#Invoke Configuration with CIM session
PS C:\Scripts> $Session = New-CimSession –ComputerName "Server01" –Credential ACCOUNTS\SomeUser
PS C:\Scripts> Start-DscConfiguration -Path "C:\Scripts\DSC\Configurations\" -CimSession $Session

If you push to to a node set to pull it will change the LCM to cause it not to pull anymore.

Pull Configuration

Create pull server with DSC Resource.

Download the xPSDesiredStateConfiguration module from Unzip the module to the %programfiles%\WindowsPowerShell\modules directory.

Add Windows PowerShell Desired State Configuration feature.

If you push to to a node set to pull it will change the LCM to cause it not to pull anymore. Use Invoke-DscPull to force the node to pull new config. This is helpful when you need to get a quick fix to a node and can't wait for the pull server.

Create a Pull Server

A pull server is the best way to deploy MOF and resources. Since this is DSC it makes sense to use DSC to create the server instead of laboring through a manual process...manual is so old school.

Last updated